Patient Story
Miranda's knee replacement
Surgical intervention at this stage was an option, but because of her pre-existing arthritis, Miranda was likely to need a knee replacement in a few years. To avoid two operations in relatively close succession, Miranda and Mr Shah agreed to continue with conservative treatment until Miranda was ready for a knee replacement.
Once Miranda’s fracture had stabilized a few months later, Mr Shah proceeded with a total knee replacement. Miranda was committed to her postoperative exercises and physiotherapy, which contributed to an excellent outcome. We were delighted to hear that she was back on the slopes by Christmas.





Following surgery, I was desperate to get back to the sports that I had enjoyed previously and threw myself into physio – which I must say was not easy.
The reward – skiing in December that year and completing the Brighton Half Marathon the following February, albeit in not a very fast time. I didn’t ski in March 2019 as I was training for the London Marathon, which was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID. The knee is still doing well, and I have been running through lockdown. Skiing is booked again for January 2021, but may or may not happen due to travel restrictions.
- Miranda Des Moulins

Patient stories

Keith’s double knee replacement

Louise’s double knee replacement

Nick’s partial knee replacement