Patient Story
Christine's double hip replacement



After suffering from excruciating pain in my left hip, seven years and bottles of pain medication later I took myself off to my GP and requested a consultation with Mr Shah. I had my operation on 27th September 2013 and this was a complete success.
Approximately eight weeks post-surgery my right hip started giving me pain. I again waited nearly four years (I do not know how) hoping it would go away but of course it did not and in the end I could only walk with the aid of a rollator.
On the 9th June 2017, I had my right hip replaced by Mr Shah. Again, the operation was very successful. Fast forward six weeks and I was walking totally unaided and am pain free.
I should add I held off seeking medical help for so long because I had never been in hospital before and am an extremely anxious person. I cannot emphasise enough how good I am feeling right now. Totally liberated, I have strong drive and energy and my life has been totally transformed.
As well as being an outstanding dedicated consultant, Mr Shah is also very caring. He put me at total ease and I cannot thank him enough for giving me my life back.
- Christine Orme
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